Re: [Jastadd] Build failure due to renamed attributes

From: Eric Bodden <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2012 11:58:27 +0100

> Okay, thanks! The plan is to compile all extensions, besides running the
> pure JastAddJ tests, before comitting a change to JastAddJ in the future.

That would be great, actually. Our nightly build of Clara uses all of
abc, JastAdd, the refactoring package etc. It should be fairly easy
for you to just use or adapt the build scripts there:

All the automated build does is use...
svn co clara-with-deps

This will checkout clara and all dependencies into clara-with-deps. To
build Clara, open the directory build and then execute the ant script
there. That should be all.
Hope that helps...

Received on Mon Jan 02 2012 - 11:59:21 CET

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