

JastAdd2 was developed at Lund University by Torbjörn Ekman, Görel Hedin, and Eva Magnusson. JastAdd2 has recieved additional contributions from Emma Söderberg, Jesper Öqvist and Niklas Fors.

For additional contributors, see the change logs.


Copyright (c) 2005-2013, The JastAdd Team. All rights reserved.

JastAdd2 is is covered by the modified BSD License. For the full license text see the LICENSE file.

Obtaining JastAdd2

The latest version of JastAdd2 can be found at http://jastadd2.org


JastAdd2 requires a Java runtime environment to run, and a JDK to build. JastAdd2 uses JavaCC, JJTree, and Apache Ant. JavaCC and JJTree are included in the source tree of JastAdd2, so the only external tools needed are Java and Ant.


Builds are done by using the Apache Ant script build.xml:

Release Process

  1. Make sure the following files have appropriate content:
    • ChangeLog (Check against commit log, add note about the release)
    • doc/reference-manual.html
    • doc/release-notes.html (Add suitable high-level content for this release)
  2. Create a new jar file: > ant jar
  3. Run all test cases.
  4. Run the release script which will show you commands for doing the release. > ./release.sh This will involve:
    • Creating a new tagged version R20110506 (or other appropriate date)
    • Patching html files with version R20110506
    • Creating a zip file jastadd2-src.zip for the source distribution
    • Creating a zip file jastadd2-bin.zip for the binary distribution.
    • Upload the zip files and appropriate documentation to jastadd.org
    • Cleaning up
  5. Browse to jastadd.org/releases/jastadd2/R20110506 and check the content.
  6. Ant clean and commit
  7. Tag the current version according to ./release.sh instructions.
  8. Update the web pages to reflect the new release on the download and news pages.
    • Check out the web pages at http://svn.cs.lth.se/svn/jastadd-research/web
    • Update index-file.html with news item about the new release
    • Update download.html to link to the new release
    • Update documentation/reference_manual.php to link to latest reference manual
    • Commit the web pages
    • Do ./publish (to check out the newest web on the real web site)

Tools Used

Special tools used (jars included in the tools-dir):

General tools used (assumed to be available on your platform):

File Types

Directory Structure

Understanding the Implementation

Overall behavior when running JastAdd:


To keep track of JastAdd versions, the version number (based on the current date) is patched into both the source file JastAdd.java, and the manifest file. The script doing this, newrelease, is called when building.


JavaCC and its tree-building extension, JJTree, are used for parsing. They assume top classes called Node and SimpleNode. Normally, JJTree generates its own AST node subclasses, but we "fool" it to use the AST classes generated by JastAdd instead (by generating them before we run JavaCC/JJTree).

However, we let JJTree generate the AST classes for the Java code used inside equations in .jrag files. This is because these expressions are not analyzed by JastAdd. They are just unparsed at appropriate places in the generated Java code.