JastAdd Concept Overview

JastAdd Concept Overview

JastAdd is a meta-compilation system based on Reference Attribute Grammars. It is designed to support extensible implementation of compilers and related tools like analyzers, transformation tools, etc.


Just add modules in JastAdd

In JastAdd, you can easily extend your compiler by adding modules that contain new abstract syntax and computations on the abstract syntax tree (ast). The name JastAdd alludes to this ease of extensibility: just add to the ast. There are three main ideas that contribute to the modularity and extensibility of JastAdd: object-orientation, static aspects, and declarative computations. In addition, you can make use of imperative computations (ordinary Java code), but the imperative parts of your system can not be extended as easily. This will be discussed below.

Abstract syntax is a class hierarchy

The abstract syntax is modeled by a class hierarchy, from which corresponding Java code is generated. These classes are called AST classes since they model nodes in the abstract syntax tree. For example, if your language has assignments and while loops, you will typically define an abstract superclass Stmt with concrete subclasses Assignment and WhileLoop. General and default behavior for statements can be implemented by adding behavior to the Stmt class, and behavior special for Assignment and WhileLoop can be implemented in the subclasses. This approach supports normal object-oriented extensibility in that you can modularly add new language constructs (subclasses) that add or override behavior in the superclass.

Static aspects modularize crosscutting behavior

Behavior of AST classes can be added in modules called aspects, through the use of inter-type declarations. This way, features of a given AST class can be added in a separate module without having to modify the code defining the class. For example, when you implement type checking, you will typically need to add specific behavior to many different classes. This can be done as a modular extension by grouping together this cross-cutting behavior in an aspect module. If you want to extend your tool with code generation, simply add a new aspect module for that. JastAdd's notion of aspects is similar to the inter-type declarations in AspectJ, and the open classes of MultiJava, and the aspects are in this sense static. This is in contrast to the dynamic join-point and point cut features of AspectJ, which relate to run-time behavior, and which are not supported by JastAdd.

Declarative features allow decoupling of behavior

JastAdd supports declarative features for implementing behavior in the form of attributes and rewrites. Attributes are attached to the AST nodes, and have values defined by equations. Rewrites allow the AST to be transformed. The features are declarative in that you specify the what the result should be, rather than when to compute it. The evaluation order is implicit, and is automatically figured out by the JastAdd evaluation engine. The order will depend on the dependencies between different attributes and rewrites, and on the actual program that is compiled. The engine automatically makes sure that when you access an AST, all attributes have the correct values according to their definitions, and all nodes are in their final rewritten state.

The important advantage of using these declarative features over ordinary programming, is that they allow a high degree of decoupling between different pieces of behavior. For example, you don't need to specify that name resolution is computed before type checking. If the type checker needs the information computed by the name resolution module, the system will automatically compute the name resolution behavior first. More importantly, it may be the case that you actually need some of the name resolution in order to compute some of the type checking, and vice versa. The declarative features allow you to write the type checker assuming that all the names are already resolved, and the name resolution assuming that all the types are already computed. The system will figure out in which order to compute the individual names and types, interleaving these computations as needed for compiling a particular program.

Since you do not have to specify the order in which different pieces of information are computed, you can modularize the behavior very freely. In particular, you can modularize according to how you want to reuse the behavior. An additional advantage of declarative implementation is that it is usually more concise than the imperative implementation. This is mainly because the order of computation is implicit and because optimizations are generated and need not be hand coded.

Attributes are defined by equations

JastAdd supports attributes in the sense of attribute grammars: attributes are declared in AST classes, and their values are defined by equations. As in attribute grammars, an attribute is either synthesized or inherited depending on if it is used for propagating information upwards or downwards in the AST. In addition, JastAdd has features not found in plain attribute grammars: there is support for reference-valued attributes, for parameterized attributes, for circularly defined attributes, for nonterminal attributes, and for collection attributes. All of these are explained briefly below.

There are several possible analogies between attributes and OO concepts. One is that an attribute corresponds to a field in an AST node, and an equation corresponds to a method that computes the value of the field. Similar to OO methods, an equation in a subclass can override an equation in a superclass. The JastAdd system ensures that the "equation methods" are called in such an order so that whenever you try to access an attribute, its value will already be computed. If you traverse an AST and look at all the attributes, they will all have values according to their defining equations. I.e., the equations hold.

In JastAdd, some attributes are indeed represented as fields, but this is done under the hood. The interface to an attribute is a method with the same name. E.g., to access the value of an attribute "a", you write "a()".

An equation is different from an ordinary method in that it must be a function. I.e., it must compute the same value each time it is executed, and it must not result in any visible side effects. The syntax for equations is also slightly different from the syntax for ordinary methods.

Synthesized attributes are almost like virtual methods

Synthesized attributes are used for computing information in an AST node, usually in order to propagate that information upwards in the AST. A typical example is to compute the type of an expression. The type is declared as a synthesized attribute of a general AST class for expressions. Equations then define the value of the attribute for the different kinds (subclasses) of expressions. For example, an addition node can have an equation defining the type to be an Integer or Float, depending on the types of its operands.

A synthesized attribute is analogous to an ordinary virtual method (where the method is a side-effect free function): The attribute declaration corresponds to the method declaration, and the equations to the method implementations. General classes can have default equations that are overridden in subclasses, analogous to method overriding.

So why use synthesized attributes instead of ordinary virtual methods? The main reason is that the system can automatically cache the value of the synthesized attribute (in a private field), so that the method body (equation) does not have to be executed each time the attribute is accessed. For many attributes, such caching is essential in order to get reasonable speed. Another reason is that the syntax for equations is more concise than for methods, making your aspects easier to read.

Inherited attributes pass information to children

Inherited attributes are used for passing information downwards in an AST, giving child nodes information about their context. A typical example is that information about visible declarations, usually called the environment is passed down to each statement, which in turn passes down this information to the variables inside it. A variable can use this environment information to find its declaration and type.

Note that the term "inherited" attribute has different meanings in attribute grammars and object-orientation. In the attribute grammar sense, an inherited attribute is an attribute whose value is defined in the parent AST node. That is, if an AST class C declares an inherited attribute a, then each AST class that has a child of type C must have an equation defining the a attribute of that C child. This is checked by the JastAdd system.

The use of inherited attributes decouples an AST node from its parent: the AST node does not need to know which parent it has. All the information it needs is in the inherited attributes whose values are defined by the parent. This allows AST classes with all their behavior to be reused in many different contexts. For example, expressions may occur inside many different kinds of statements and declarations. The behavior of the expression depends only on its inherited attributes, not on any specific surrounding node.

Reference attributes link AST nodes together

In traditional plain attribute grammars, all attributes are functional values without identity. In contrast, JastAdd allows attributes to have reference values. This means that an attribute can be a reference to another AST node. This is a very powerful notion. It allows different places in the AST to be directly connected. For example, a use of a variable can be connected directly to its declaration. Attributes can be accessed directly via such references. For example, the use node can access its type directly from the declaration. Similarly, a class can be connected directly to its superclass; a method call directly to the method declaration; and so on.

Reference attributes are powerful because they allow graph structure to be superimposed on top of a tree (the AST), and information to be propagated along those edges. In contrast, plain AGs only support information propagation along the AST structure, in effect forcing any desired graph structure to be encoded in large complex attributes. It is symptomatic of plain AGs to encode symbol table information into large complex environment attributes, whereas in JastAdd, the environment can simply be a reference attribute to another AST node. All the symbol table information is already in the AST and does not need to be encoded.

Attributes can have parameters - just like methods

Another difference between plain AGs and JastAdd AGs is that JastAdd attributes can have parameters. Previously, we made the analogy between an attribute and a field. But if the attribute has parameters, the analogy of a method is closer. Parameterized attributes are powerful in combination with reference attributes. They allow information in a distant node to be accessed using a parameterized method call rather than just accessing a value. For example, to do type checking of an OO language, a class node can have a parameterized attribute subclassOf(c) which performs a type comparison with another class node c.

As mentioned earlier, attribute values can be cached for efficiency. The same goes for parameterized attributes. If a parameterized attribute is called with a particular set of arguments, the resulting value can be cached and returned directly when the attribute is accessed the next time with the same arguments (memoization).

Rewrite ASTs to improve them

The AST produced by a parser is seldom ideal for all analysis and compilation. Rewrite rules allow conditional changes to the AST to be declared in order to obtain an improved AST, better suited for other computations. For example, a Java parser cannot distinguish between static method calls and virtual method calls. Suppose the parser constructs general MethodCall nodes. These nodes can be replaced by more specific StaticMethodCall or VirtualMethodCall nodes by using a rewrite rule that accesses attributes to find out if the call is a static or virtual method call. By introducing these more specialized nodes, other computations, e.g., code generation, can be simplified and modularized.

The rewrites are carried out automatically and implicitly as soon as the AST is traversed: code traversing the AST will only see the final rewritten AST. This implicit rewriting frees the user of scheduling the order of the rewrites, and makes it possible to combine rewrites implemented in different modules.

Another important use of rewrites is for normalizing the AST, e.g., to replace shorthands used in the language with a normal form. This makes subsequent compilation simpler since the special cases with shorthands do not need to be dealt with. An example from Java is replacing literal strings with character arrays.

Rewriting also allows for making up for deficiencies in the parser or odd corners in the language. Many languages do not have a clean context-free grammar that is easy to parse. Instead of using ad-hoc techniques in the semantic actions of the parser, one can define a simple (but undesired) context-free grammar for parsing, build the simple AST in a straight-forward manner in the parser's semantic actions, and then use rewrites to change the AST into the desired form. The JastAddJ Java compiler uses this technique for dot expressions, like a.b.c. The semantics of such an expression depends on what declarations a, b, and c are bound to. The parser constructs a simple AST of plain identifier accesses. Rewrites then replace these plain nodes by package, class, method, variable accesses, etc., depending on the name bindings of a, b, and c.

It should be noted that rewrites can use and depend on attribute information, and that performing one rewrite may lead to that another rewrite becomes applicable. This allows complex rewrites to be broken down into a collection of small simple rewrites. Again, the order in which these smaller rewrites are applied does not need to be specified explicitly.

In the current implementation of JastAdd, attributes of a node cannot be cached until the node is in its final rewritten form. For small subtrees that are rewritten, like dot-expressions, etc., this has little effect on efficiency. But if you use rewrites for transforming large ASTs, the compiler can become very inefficient. For larger transformations, we instead recommend using non-terminal attributes (see below).

Circular attributes allow declarative fixed-point computations

Many static analyses require fixed-point iterative computations: starting out with a set of initial values, and iterating until a solution is found. Examples include generation of SSA form, data-flow analysis, reachability analysis, etc. The normal way of implementing such computations is to do it imperatively, using an iterative work-list algorithm. By using circular attributes, it is possible to express these computations in a declarative manner instead.

A circular attribute is given an initial value and an equation defining the attribute, possibly in terms of itself (usually indirectly via other circular attributes). The JastAdd system will automatically perform the iteration as needed until a solution is found, i.e., until the equations for the circular attributes hold. Such an iteration will terminate if the values that the attributes can take on can be organized into a lattice of finite height, and all equations are monotonic, i.e., they can only compute the same value as in the previous iteration, or a value higher up in the lattice. Often, lattices of set values are used, with the empty set as the bottom value, a finite set as the top value (e.g., the set of all declared variables in a program), and union as a monotonic operator.

By using circular attributes to express iteration declaratively, there is no need for coding when the iteration should take place. This allows modules containing these computations to be freely combined with other modules that use the circular attributes. JastAdd automatically makes sure that a circular attribute is computed if its value is needed in some other equation or rewrite.

Expand the AST with nonterminal attributes

It is sometimes useful to expand an AST with additional nodes that are defined by equations, rather than constructed by the parser or by a rewrite rule. These nodes are called nonterminal attributes (NTAs) since they are both similar to nodes (nonterminals) and to attributes. An NTA is like a node in that it can itself have attributes and it can be rewritten. It is also like an attribute in that it is defined by an equation.

There are similarities between NTAs and rewrites. In both cases, you can declaratively define changes to the AST. The main difference is that you should use rewrites when you are interested in replacing some nodes with others, and NTA's when you want to keep existing nodes and introduce some additional ones. A typical use of NTA's is for adding AST subtrees corresponding to predefined types and methods. This allows predefined and user-defined entities to be treated in the same way. Another use of NTAs is in doing instantiation-like computations in the compiler. For example, for macro-expansion or computations on generic types.

Define composite properties using collection attributes

Some attributes have values made up of many small contributions that might be spread out over the AST. One example is the set of compile time errors of a program. Another example is the call sites of a particular method. JastAdd supports the easy specification of such attributes through its collection attribute feature. A collection attribute is defined by a number of contributions attached to individual AST nodes, and combined using a composition operator.

Combine imperative and declarative aspects

JastAdd allows you to use both imperative and declarative aspect modules. The declarative modules result in an API that can be freely used by imperative modules to traverse the AST and access attribute values. For example, you can express name and type analysis declaratively, and implement the printing of error messages imperatively.

Typically, you will write your imperative code as aspect modules, adding ordinary Java methods to the AST classes. You could also use the Visitor design pattern if you like, but aspects are usually simpler to write and extend.

Use any parser generator

JastAdd should work with any Java-based parser generator that supports user-defined semantic actions. In our projects we have used JavaCC, CUP, and Beaver. You need to write semantic actions in the parser specification in order to build JastAdd ASTs. If you use the JavaCC system you can use its add-on tool JJTree for building the JastAdd ASTs.

Under the hood

You don't have to understand the underlying evaluation machinery in order to be able to use JastAdd. However, you might be curious as to how it works. The main idea is that all evaluation is done on demand. I.e., an attribute is not evaluated until its value is asked for. And a rewrite of an AST node is not carried out until there is some code that accesses that node through the AST traversal API. All accesses to attributes and nodes go via Java method calls, and the implementation machinery performs the evaluation transparently. The algorithms are in our published papers, and you can also look at the generated Java code if you are interested in specific details of the evaluation. The generated code of a JastAdd project is usually in a subdirectory called AST.

The demand evaluation scheme allows traversing code to regard the AST as a fully evaluated tree: any attribute will have a value according to its definition, and there will be no remaining rewrite rules that apply to the nodes. Initially, the AST is in fact completely unevaluated, coming raw from the parser. But any access to a node or an attribute will cause a sufficient amount of evaluation to take place so that the final value of that node or attribute is returned. An important consequence of the demand evaluation is that it does not cost anything in execution time to define an additional attribute. There is only a cost if the attribute is actually accessed.

As a concrete example of demand evaluation, lets say you have implemented a type checker for a language. All the code for type checking is implemented in declarative aspects where each expression has a type() attribute and each identifier has a reference attribute decl() which refers to the appropriate declaration. The decl() attributes are defined in terms of lookup(String) attributes in the different blocks that return matching local declarations. In addition to the declarative aspects, there will be an imperative aspect that simply traverses the AST, looks at the values of the type() attributes and prints possible error messages. The main program calls the parser to create the AST and then calls the type-checking traversal code. It is this traversal code that ultimately drives the order of evaluation. Let's say the traversal has arrived at an expression "a" and to type-check it, it accesses its type() attribute. This attribute is defined in terms of the decl() attribute, so this triggers an evaluation of the decl() attribute for "a". The decl() attribute is defined in terms of an inherited lookup(String) attribute which is then evaluated, possibly accessing and evaluating other lookup(String) attributes in other parts of the AST in order to search through the different blocks for matching declarations. Later on during the type-checking traversal, perhaps another expression "a" is encountered. A similar sequence of evaluation takes place, but this time the access to lookup attributes can be short-circuited returning the same (cached) value that was accessed for the previous use of "a".

The rewrites are also carried out transparently. Let's say there are rewrite rules that rewrite the expression "a" to a VariableAccess node if the declaration of "a" is a variable. In this case, accessing the "a" node will trigger rewriting of it so that the resulting VariableAccess node will be returned. In this process, the decl() attribute of "a" will be evaluated and cached, since it is needed to determine if the declaration of "a" is indeed a variable. When the traversal code then accesses the type() attribute, the computation can be short-circuited already at the decl() attribute which is already computed.

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