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Download the latest version of JastAdd and related tools


Version R20090610

The tool: jastadd2.jar
Do "java -jar jastadd2.jar --help" for information on how to run the tool from the command line.

The source: jastadd2-src.jar
Unpack the source by the command "jar -xf jastadd2-src.jar".

Version R20080423

The tool: jastadd2.jar
Do "java -jar jastadd2.jar --help" for information on how to run the tool from the command line.

The source: jastadd2-src.jar
Unpack the source by the command "jar -xf jastadd2-src.jar".

Version R20071019

The tool: jastadd2.jar
Do "java -jar jastadd2.jar --help" for information on how to run the tool from the command line.

The source: jastadd2-src.jar
Unpack the source by the command "jar -xf jastadd2-src.jar".

JastAddParser - translates the parser specification used in JastAddJ to the Beaver parser generator

Version R20080423

The tool: JastAddParser.jar and the corresponding source: JastAddParser-src.jar

Unpack the source using "jar xf JastAddParser-src.jar" and you can find the source in the JastAddParser folder.